Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Information System and League Tables Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Information System and League Tables - Essay Example Public administration is a complex and difficult process. Before a public service is delivered, it most likely has passed through several stages and agencies that composed the bureaucracy before it is delivered to the end user. Leslie Budd (2009) provided a specific benefit when she explained that e-government is primarily implemented in order to achieve economic efficiency, as information and communications technologies such as the IS can reduce the amount of bureaucratic procedures in public administrations. (p74) Traunmuller (2004), for his part, pointed out that bureaucracy imposes on its environment its rules, its operating modes and it transfers the management of complexity to the end user that is why, in the effort of governments to modernize, a transition towards end-user oriented approach is adopted. (p82) Crucial to this initiative is the solution for the problem of interoperability that characterizes bureaucracies. The issue about making public service easier to the public is a daunting task when services involve numerous agencies with their own respective mini bureaucracies. IS solved this dilemma. According to Traunmuller, this is achieved in the three stages that are crucial for the concept of e-government. To cite these stages:Anytime, Anywhere: the first of the process in electronic administration that involves the linking of different information held by different actors. IS solves this dilemma by providing the application by which the complex information system can be collected.

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