Saturday, August 31, 2019

Microcontroller Based Bidirectional Visitor Counter

ConstruCtion Microcontroller-bAsed bidirectionAl Visitor counter UMAR SUNIL K ? AkshAy MAthur, kuldeep singh nAglA V isitor counting is simply a measurement of the visitor traffic entering and exiting offices, malls, sports venues, etc. Counting the visitors helps to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of employees, floor area and sales potential of an organisation.Visitor counting is not limited to Semiconductors: IC1 – LM324 quad op-amp IC2 – 74LS76 J-K flip-flop IC3 – AT89C52 microcontroller IC4 – 7805 5V regulator T1, T2 – L14F1 npn phototransistor T3, T4 – 2N3904 npn transistor IR TX1, IR TX2 – IR transmitting LED BR1 – 1A bridge rectifier DIS1-DIS3 – LTS543 CC 7-segment display Resistors (all ? -watt,  ±5% carbon): R1, R2 – 68-ohm R3, R4 – 6. 8-kilo-ohm R5, R6 – 100-ohm R7, R8, R10, R11 – 10-kilo-ohm R9 – 4. 7-kilo-ohm R12-R32 – 220-ohm VR1, VR2 – 20-kilo-ohm preset RNW1 – 10-kilo-ohm resistor network Capacitors: C1, C2 C3, C4 C5 C6 C7 Miscellaneous: XTAL X1 S1 S2 – 0.  µF ceramic disk – 33pF ceramic disk – 10 µF, 16V electrolytic – 470 µF, 25V electrolytic – 0. 1 µF ceramic disk – 12MHz crystal – 230V primary to 7. 5V, 250mA secondary transformer – Push-to-on switch – On/off switch Fig. 1: Transmitter-receiver set-up at the entrance-cum-exit of the passage Parts List the entry/exit point of a company but has a wide range of applications that provide information to management on the volume and flow of people throughout a location. A primary method for counting the visitors involves hiring human auditors to stand and manually tally the number of visitors who pass by a certain location.But human-based data collection comes at great expense. Here is a low-cost microcontrollerbased visitor counter that can be used to know the number of persons at a place. All the c omponents required are readily available in the market and the circuit is easy to build. Two IR transmitter-receiver pairs are used at the passage: one pair comprising IR transmitter IR TX1 and receiver phototransistor T1 is installed at the entry point of the passage, while the other pair comprising IR transmitter IR TX2 and phototransistor T2 is installed at the exit of the passage.The IR signals from the IR LEDs should continuously fall on the respective phototransistors, so proper orientation of the transmitters and phototransistors is necessary. circuit description Fig. 1 shows the transmitter-receiver set-up at the entrance-cum-exit of the passage along with block diagram. Two similar sections detect interruption of the IR beam and generate clock pulse for the microcontroller. The microcontroller controls counting and displays the number of persons present inside the hall. Fig. 2 shows the circuit of the microcontroller-based visitor counter, wherein the transmitter and the re ceiver form the IR detection circuit.Control logic is built around transistors, operational amplifier LM324 (IC1) and flip-flop (IC2). When nobody is passing through the entry/exit point, the IR beam continuously falls on phototransistor T1. Phototransistor T1 conducts and the high voltage at its emitter drives transistor T3 into saturation, which makes pin 3 of comparator N1 low and finally output pin 1 of comparator N1 is high. Now if someone enters the place, first the IR beam from IR TX1 is interrupted and then the IR beam from IR TX2. When the beam from IR TX1 is interrupted, phototransistor T1 and transistor T3 cut-off and pin 3 of comparator N1 goes high.The low output (pin 1) of comparator N1 provides negative trigger pulse to pin 1 of J-K flip-flop IC2(A). At this moment, the high input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ w w w. e f y m ag . co m 7 8 †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u ConstruCtion w w w. e f y m ag . co m e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ 7 9 Fig. 2: Circuit of the microcontroller-based visitor counter ConstruCtion Fig. 3: Power supply circuit pins of flip-flop IC2(A) toggles its output to low. On the other hand, the low input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of IC2(B) due to Fig. : Pin clock pin 1 of configuration of L14F1 and IC2(A) and ‘J’ intransistor 2N3904 put (pin 9) and ‘K’ input (pin 12) of IC2(B) are connected to pin 1 of comparator N1. The negative-going pulse is applied to clock pin 6 of IC2(B) when the person interrupts the IR beam from IR TX2. There is no change in the output of IC2(B) flip-flop. This triggers the external interrupt INT0 (pin 12) of microcontroller AT89C52. The AT89C52 is an 8-bit microcontroller with 8 kB of flash-based program memory, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 input/output lines, three 16-bit timers/counters, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry.A 12MHz crystal is used for providing clock. Ports 0, 1 and 2 are configured for 7-segment displays. Port-0 pin is externally pulled up with 10-kilo-ohm resistor network RNW1 because port0 is an 8-bit, open-drain, bidirectional, input/output (I/O) port. Port-1 and port-2 are 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports with internal pull-ups (no need of external pull-ups). Port pins 3. 0 and 3. 1 are configured to provide the set pulse to J-K flip-flops IC2(A) and IC2(B), respectively. External interrupts INT0 and INT1 receive the interrupt pulse when the person interrupts the IR beams.Resistor R9 and capacitor C5 provide power-on-reset pulse to the microcontroller. Switch S1 is used for manual reset. When the microcontroller is re- set, the flip-flops are brought in ‘set’ state through the microcontroller at software run time by making their ‘set’ pin high for a moment. The value of the counter increments by Fig. 5: An actual-size, single-side PCB for the microcontroller-based visitor ‘1’ when the counter (F ig. 2) including its power supply (Fig. 3) interrupt service routine for INT0 is executed.The output of the corresponding J-K flip-flop is set to ‘high’ again by making its ‘set’ input pin low through the microcontroller. The micro-controller is configured as a negative-edgetriggered interrupt sensor. Similarly, if somebody exits the place, first the IR beam from IR TX2 is interrupted and then the IR beam from IR TX1. When Fig. 6: Component layout for the PCB the beam from IR TX2 is interrupted, output pin provides clock pulse to pin 6 of J-K 7 of comparator N2 goes low. This flip-flop IC2(B). w w w. e f y m ag . co m 8 0 †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u ConstruCtionAt this moment, the high input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of flip-flop IC2(B) toggles its output to low. On the other hand, the low input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of IC2(A) due to clock pin 6 of IC2(B) and ‘Jâ€℠¢ input (pin 4) and ‘K’ input (pin 16) of IC2(A) are connected to pin 7 of comparator N2. The negative-going pulse is applied to clock pin 1 of IC2(A) when the person interrupts the IR beam from IR TX1. There is no change in the output of IC2(A) flip-flop. This triggers the external interrupt INT1 (pin 13) of microcontroller AT89C52. The value of the counter decrements by ‘1’ when interrupt service routine for INT1 is executed.The output of the corresponding J-K flip-flop is set to ‘high’ again by making its ‘set’ input pin low through the microcontroller. The circuit is powered by regulated 5V. Fig. 3 shows the circuit of the power supply. The AC mains is stepped down by transformer X1 to deliver secondary output of 7. 5V, 250mA, which is rectified by bridge rectifier BR1, filtered by capacitor C6 and regulated by IC 7805 (IC4). Capacitor C7 bypasses any ripple in the regulated output. 3) is shown in Fig. 5 and its component layou t in Fig. 6. software The software for the visitor counter is written in ‘C’ language and compiled using C51 Keil compiler.The demo version of this compiler is available for free on the website ‘www. keil. com. ’ It can compile programs up to 2 kB only, which is sufficient for writing most programs. EFY note. The source code and other relevant files of this article have been included in this month’s EFY-CD. construction An actual-size, single-side PCB for the microcontroller-based visitor counter (Fig. 2) including its power supply (Fig. visitor. c #include int i=0,j,k,l,m,a[]={63,6,91,79,102,109,125,7,127,111}; void enter (void) interrupt 0 { i++; if(i>999) i=999; P3_1=0; for(m=0;m Microcontroller Based Bidirectional Visitor Counter ConstruCtion Microcontroller-bAsed bidirectionAl Visitor counter UMAR SUNIL K ? AkshAy MAthur, kuldeep singh nAglA V isitor counting is simply a measurement of the visitor traffic entering and exiting offices, malls, sports venues, etc. Counting the visitors helps to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of employees, floor area and sales potential of an organisation.Visitor counting is not limited to Semiconductors: IC1 – LM324 quad op-amp IC2 – 74LS76 J-K flip-flop IC3 – AT89C52 microcontroller IC4 – 7805 5V regulator T1, T2 – L14F1 npn phototransistor T3, T4 – 2N3904 npn transistor IR TX1, IR TX2 – IR transmitting LED BR1 – 1A bridge rectifier DIS1-DIS3 – LTS543 CC 7-segment display Resistors (all ? -watt,  ±5% carbon): R1, R2 – 68-ohm R3, R4 – 6. 8-kilo-ohm R5, R6 – 100-ohm R7, R8, R10, R11 – 10-kilo-ohm R9 – 4. 7-kilo-ohm R12-R32 – 220-ohm VR1, VR2 – 20-kilo-ohm preset RNW1 – 10-kilo-ohm resistor network Capacitors: C1, C2 C3, C4 C5 C6 C7 Miscellaneous: XTAL X1 S1 S2 – 0.  µF ceramic disk – 33pF ceramic disk – 10 µF, 16V electrolytic – 470 µF, 25V electrolytic – 0. 1 µF ceramic disk – 12MHz crystal – 230V primary to 7. 5V, 250mA secondary transformer – Push-to-on switch – On/off switch Fig. 1: Transmitter-receiver set-up at the entrance-cum-exit of the passage Parts List the entry/exit point of a company but has a wide range of applications that provide information to management on the volume and flow of people throughout a location. A primary method for counting the visitors involves hiring human auditors to stand and manually tally the number of visitors who pass by a certain location.But human-based data collection comes at great expense. Here is a low-cost microcontrollerbased visitor counter that can be used to know the number of persons at a place. All the c omponents required are readily available in the market and the circuit is easy to build. Two IR transmitter-receiver pairs are used at the passage: one pair comprising IR transmitter IR TX1 and receiver phototransistor T1 is installed at the entry point of the passage, while the other pair comprising IR transmitter IR TX2 and phototransistor T2 is installed at the exit of the passage.The IR signals from the IR LEDs should continuously fall on the respective phototransistors, so proper orientation of the transmitters and phototransistors is necessary. circuit description Fig. 1 shows the transmitter-receiver set-up at the entrance-cum-exit of the passage along with block diagram. Two similar sections detect interruption of the IR beam and generate clock pulse for the microcontroller. The microcontroller controls counting and displays the number of persons present inside the hall. Fig. 2 shows the circuit of the microcontroller-based visitor counter, wherein the transmitter and the re ceiver form the IR detection circuit.Control logic is built around transistors, operational amplifier LM324 (IC1) and flip-flop (IC2). When nobody is passing through the entry/exit point, the IR beam continuously falls on phototransistor T1. Phototransistor T1 conducts and the high voltage at its emitter drives transistor T3 into saturation, which makes pin 3 of comparator N1 low and finally output pin 1 of comparator N1 is high. Now if someone enters the place, first the IR beam from IR TX1 is interrupted and then the IR beam from IR TX2. When the beam from IR TX1 is interrupted, phototransistor T1 and transistor T3 cut-off and pin 3 of comparator N1 goes high.The low output (pin 1) of comparator N1 provides negative trigger pulse to pin 1 of J-K flip-flop IC2(A). At this moment, the high input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ w w w. e f y m ag . co m 7 8 †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u ConstruCtion w w w. e f y m ag . co m e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ 7 9 Fig. 2: Circuit of the microcontroller-based visitor counter ConstruCtion Fig. 3: Power supply circuit pins of flip-flop IC2(A) toggles its output to low. On the other hand, the low input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of IC2(B) due to Fig. : Pin clock pin 1 of configuration of L14F1 and IC2(A) and ‘J’ intransistor 2N3904 put (pin 9) and ‘K’ input (pin 12) of IC2(B) are connected to pin 1 of comparator N1. The negative-going pulse is applied to clock pin 6 of IC2(B) when the person interrupts the IR beam from IR TX2. There is no change in the output of IC2(B) flip-flop. This triggers the external interrupt INT0 (pin 12) of microcontroller AT89C52. The AT89C52 is an 8-bit microcontroller with 8 kB of flash-based program memory, 256 bytes of RAM, 32 input/output lines, three 16-bit timers/counters, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry.A 12MHz crystal is used for providing clock. Ports 0, 1 and 2 are configured for 7-segment displays. Port-0 pin is externally pulled up with 10-kilo-ohm resistor network RNW1 because port0 is an 8-bit, open-drain, bidirectional, input/output (I/O) port. Port-1 and port-2 are 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports with internal pull-ups (no need of external pull-ups). Port pins 3. 0 and 3. 1 are configured to provide the set pulse to J-K flip-flops IC2(A) and IC2(B), respectively. External interrupts INT0 and INT1 receive the interrupt pulse when the person interrupts the IR beams.Resistor R9 and capacitor C5 provide power-on-reset pulse to the microcontroller. Switch S1 is used for manual reset. When the microcontroller is re- set, the flip-flops are brought in ‘set’ state through the microcontroller at software run time by making their ‘set’ pin high for a moment. The value of the counter increments by Fig. 5: An actual-size, single-side PCB for the microcontroller-based visitor ‘1’ when the counter (F ig. 2) including its power supply (Fig. 3) interrupt service routine for INT0 is executed.The output of the corresponding J-K flip-flop is set to ‘high’ again by making its ‘set’ input pin low through the microcontroller. The micro-controller is configured as a negative-edgetriggered interrupt sensor. Similarly, if somebody exits the place, first the IR beam from IR TX2 is interrupted and then the IR beam from IR TX1. When Fig. 6: Component layout for the PCB the beam from IR TX2 is interrupted, output pin provides clock pulse to pin 6 of J-K 7 of comparator N2 goes low. This flip-flop IC2(B). w w w. e f y m ag . co m 8 0 †¢ J a n ua ry 2 0 0 7 †¢ e l e c t ro n i c s f o r yo u ConstruCtionAt this moment, the high input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of flip-flop IC2(B) toggles its output to low. On the other hand, the low input at ‘J’ and ‘K’ pins of IC2(A) due to clock pin 6 of IC2(B) and ‘Jâ€℠¢ input (pin 4) and ‘K’ input (pin 16) of IC2(A) are connected to pin 7 of comparator N2. The negative-going pulse is applied to clock pin 1 of IC2(A) when the person interrupts the IR beam from IR TX1. There is no change in the output of IC2(A) flip-flop. This triggers the external interrupt INT1 (pin 13) of microcontroller AT89C52. The value of the counter decrements by ‘1’ when interrupt service routine for INT1 is executed.The output of the corresponding J-K flip-flop is set to ‘high’ again by making its ‘set’ input pin low through the microcontroller. The circuit is powered by regulated 5V. Fig. 3 shows the circuit of the power supply. The AC mains is stepped down by transformer X1 to deliver secondary output of 7. 5V, 250mA, which is rectified by bridge rectifier BR1, filtered by capacitor C6 and regulated by IC 7805 (IC4). Capacitor C7 bypasses any ripple in the regulated output. 3) is shown in Fig. 5 and its component layou t in Fig. 6. software The software for the visitor counter is written in ‘C’ language and compiled using C51 Keil compiler.The demo version of this compiler is available for free on the website ‘www. keil. com. ’ It can compile programs up to 2 kB only, which is sufficient for writing most programs. EFY note. The source code and other relevant files of this article have been included in this month’s EFY-CD. construction An actual-size, single-side PCB for the microcontroller-based visitor counter (Fig. 2) including its power supply (Fig. visitor. c #include int i=0,j,k,l,m,a[]={63,6,91,79,102,109,125,7,127,111}; void enter (void) interrupt 0 { i++; if(i>999) i=999; P3_1=0; for(m=0;m

Friday, August 30, 2019

Leadership in Practice: the Columbia Accident Essay

Introduction: For this paper, I have chosen to analyze the leadership performance of Linda Ham, Chair of Mission Management Team, and Daniel S. Goldin, NASA Administrator, 1992–2001. Both, in my estimation, were part of the problem, and not part of the solution. Both succumbed to outside political forces and placed much more emphasis on meeting self-imposed deadlines than astronaut safety. Both gradually dismissed the vast majority of the recommendations of the Rogers Commission after the loss of the Challenger and doomed NASA to repeat history. Background of leader #1: Linda Ham, Chair of the Mission Management team for the last Columbia mission, was hired by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) soon after she graduated college. She began her career with NASA as a Propulsion Systems Monitor at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Over the years she rose through the ranks of NASA to Chair the Mission Management team for STS-107, which was the failed mission of the Space Shuttle Columbia that broke up upon re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere. Background of leader #2: Daniel S. Goldin, NASA Administrator, 1992–2001, was hired by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) soon after he graduated college. He began his career at NASA’s Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio working in electric propulsion systems for human interplanetary travel. He left NASA a few years later and began working for the TRW Space and Technology Group. Over his 25 year career at TRW, Goldin rose through the ranks to become the Vice President and General Manager of TRW. Goldin then returned to NASA and became its longest tenured Administrator. Goldin was known for being able to cut costs and still provide many space programs. His â€Å"crusade for efficiency† (2004) ended up being the most visible flaw in an administration philosophy that lost another seven astronauts. Another glimpse into what kind of man and leader Daniel S. Goldin is, can be found in a lawsuit by the Department of Justice that â€Å"that seeks more than $170 million from TRW Inc., which is accused of padding government space contracts with research-and-development costs ‘that should have been paid out of TRW’s profits.’ The lawsuit contends that Daniel S. Goldin, who ran the company’s Space & Technology Group during the early 1990s, participated in the alleged overcharges by authorizing suspect accounting practices.† (1998) Leadership styles: Both Goldin and Ham clearly pushed the NASA agenda which was set by Goldin. Both appear to fit into the autocratic leadership style in that they demanded absolute obedience. Neither fostered a culture where diverse opinion was welcome. Both created an atmosphere where diverse or dissenting opinion was ignored and unwelcome. Goldin and Ham forced many NASA employees, specifically engineers and safety personnel, to become â€Å"organizational bystanders† (2008) because they were unwilling to risk their career to challenge the agenda of Goldin and Ham. NASA became a workplace with administrative blinders on. â€Å"NASA is not functioning as a learning organization† (Gehman, 2003). â€Å"[NASA mission managers] were convinced, without study, that nothing could be done about such an emergency. The intellectual curiosity and skepticism that a solid safety culture requires was almost entirely absent. Shuttle managers did not embrace safety-conscious attitudes. Instead, their attitudes were shaped and reinforced by an organization that, in this instance, was incapable of stepping back and gauging its biases. Bureaucracy and process trumped thoroughness and reason† (Gehman, 2003). Ham’s influence on STS-107 is most clearly described in this excerpt from the Case Study on the Columbia Accident by Maureen Hogan Casamayou, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia: Ham did inquire about the foam strike, but: not to determine what action to take during Columbia’s mission, but to understand the implications for STS-114. During a Mission Management Team meeting on January 21, she asked about the rationale put forward at the STS-113 Flight Readiness review passed muster not because of their inherent validity (and hence greater safety for the crew) but simply to launch another shuttle into space on schedule. As the CAIB report states, Ham’s focus on examining the rationale for continuing to fly after foam problems with STS-87 and STS-112 indicates that her attention had already shifted from the threat of the foam posed to STS-107 to the downstream implications of the foam strike. Ham was due to serve . . . as the launch integration manager for the next mission, STS-114. If the Shuttle Program’s rationale to fly with foam loss was found to be flawed, the flight, due to be launched in about a month, would have to be delayed per NA SA rules that require serious problems to be resolved before the next flight. An STS-114 delay could in turn delay completion of the International Space Station’s Node 2, which was a high priority goal for NASA managers. Further evidence of her preoccupation with meeting the designated launch schedule was reflected in Ham’s concern about the length of time to process photos of the Columbia on-orbit. According to the CAIB, on January 23rd: Ham raised concerns that the extra time spent maneuvering Columbia to make the left wing visible for imaging would unduly impact the mission schedule; for example, science experiments would have to stop while imagery was taken. According to personal notes obtained by the Board: â€Å"Linda Ham said it was no longer being pursued since even if we saw something, we couldn’t do anything about it. The Program didn’t want to spend the resources.† (CAIBR 2003) Further evidence of the unchallenged assumptions and lack of intellectual curiosity at NASA is described by Niewoehner & Steidle, â€Å"At the January 24, Mission Management Team meeting at which the â€Å"no safety-of-flight† conclusion was presented, there was little engineering discussion about the assumptions made, and how the results would differ if other assumptions were used. Engineering solutions presented to management should have included a quantifiable range of uncertainty and risk analysis. Those types of tools were readily available, routinely used, and would have helped management understand the risk involved in the decision. Management, in turn, should have demanded such information. The very absence of a clear and open discussion of uncertainties and assumptions in the analysis presented should have caused management to probe further.† (2009) A different outcome: In reviewing this case study, I am nearly certain that leadership style played a secondary role in the situation. The primary issue appears to be that the leaders, Goldin and Ham to be specific, allowed the outside influence of budgetary constraints imposed by Congress and the Presidential Administration to shape their mission and vision for NASA. In practical terms, the amount of money in the budget and the self-imposed goals of the number of shuttle missions to keep that budget from decreasing over-road concern for safety. Not only did it over-ride that concern for safety, but it created an organizational culture that ignored any line of thinking that challenged or threatened NASA’s goals. We must remember that there are drawbacks in stating specific identified government organizational goals. When a government, or a component of government, forecasts where it wants to be in the future, it binds itself to those identified goals. Administrators become personally attached or emotionally involved and are loath to change for fear of appearing to admit failure. This certainly affected the leadership and policy decisions of Goldin and Ham. Rocha could have done more to bring the safety concerns to light, however in retrospect, he clearly would have risked his career in doing so. We need more leaders, and followers, who are willing to risk their career especially when human life is at stake. A different outcome for STS-107 is very likely if NASA had truly functioned as a â€Å"High Reliability Organization†, which Weick and Sutcliffe (2001) say is characterized by: †¢A preoccupation with failure †¢Reluctance to simplify interpretations †¢Sensitivity to operations †¢Commitment to resilience †¢Deference to expertise Goldin and Ham could have implemented the five key dimensions of collaboration: governance, administration, organizational autonomy, mutuality, and norms of trust and reciprocity. They could have created a team or committee to review, research, and assess each and every safety concern that was raised by any NASA employee. This team should have negotiated, committed, and then implemented those commitments. There was no trust and reciprocity between the NASA engineers and the NASA mission managers. Goldin and Ham should have embraced a more Democratic Leadership Style. â€Å"Although a Democratic leader will make the final decision, he/she invites other members of the team to contribute to the decision making process. This not only increases job satisfaction by involving employees or team members in what’s going on, but it also help to develop people’s skills. Employees and team members feel in control of their own destiny, such as the promotion they deserve and so are motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward. As participation takes time, this approach can lead to things happening more slowly but often the end result is better. The approach can be most suitable where team work is essential and quality is more important than speed to market productivity.† (2012) Yes, they would have likely missed future deadlines, probably scratched future missions, and maybe even lost some of NASA’s precious funding from Congress, but the strengths of the five key dimensions were never given a chance to prevail. The reason why is glaringly clear: â€Å"The most costly resources of collaboration are not money but time and energy, neither of which can be induced.† Huxham (1996) With NASA’s entire function hinging on budgetary concerns that became strict deadlines, time trumped safety and everyone from Congress and the Presidential administration to NASA management and the entire workforce, all have â€Å"blood on their hands.† My outlook: As a future leader, I am most profoundly struck by the impact of bureaucracy. I believe that even Goldin and Ham would have changed their decisions had they had the benefit of hindsight and knew that seven astronauts would lose their lives because of their lack of leadership, management, and administrative capabilities. We must listen to alternative viewpoints and encourage open dialogue as future government leaders. We must strive for objectivity in our perspective and not allow our vision to be narrowed by clinging too tightly to a concept or idea that was good in another setting. If human safety is in any way a factor, our level of scrutiny in gathering facts for decision making must be to the utmost. My biggest take-away from this assignment is learning the definition of a â€Å"high reliability organization† and the five bullets that must be embraced to be a true â€Å"high reliability organization†. I will take this concept with me for the rest of my career. Roberts, A. (2004). The reform bubble bursts. Public Administration Review, 64(5), 625-629. Retrieved from By, A. P. (1998, Feb 20). Civil fraud lawsuit against TRW inc. over space contracts is joined by U.S. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Marc, S. G., & Robert, B. S. (2008). Organizational bystanders. People and Strategy, 31(1), 47-54. Retrieved from Gehman, H.W. et. al., Columbia Accident Investigation Board, Report Volume 1 (CAIB) (August 2003). Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report (Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, Limited First Printing, August 2003) Robert, J. N., & Craig, E. S. (2009). The loss of the space shuttle Columbia: Portaging leadership lessons with a critical thinking model. Engineering Management Journal, 21(1), 9-18. Retrieved from Weick, K., & Sutcliffe, K. (2001). Managing the Unexpected. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Bhatti, N., Ghulam, M. M., Shaikh, N., Muhammad, A. H., & Faiz, M. S. (2012). The impact of autocratic and democratic leadership style on job satisfaction. International Business Research, 5(2), 192-201. Retrieved from Huxham, Chris. 1996. Collaboration and Collaborative Advantage. In Creating Collaborative Advantage, edited by Chris Huxham, 1–18. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (Stillman cccxxiii) Stillman, Richard. Public Administration, 9th Edition. Cengage Learning US, Aug-04. .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Corrective and Preventive Action Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corrective and Preventive Action - Assignment Example This discussion highlights that  since correction demands for frequent follow-ups, experts find it tiresome to implement a correction plan. Hence, a prevention plan allows technologists to implement process and system analysis. Such a strategy helps technologists build in safeguards that would minimize the potential occurrence of nonconformity. For instance, experts can utilize a failure mode and effects analysis to figure out some risks and possible deficiencies. Again, prevention provides opportunities to set some priorities for system improvement and reduce costs. Defect prevention, characterized with earlier detection, makes it cheaper to rectify an identified defect.This study discusses that a corrective plan process helps to identify and document the real source of the nonconformity. Throughout the process, technologists can scan the whole system to ascertain no other identical nonconformity could occur. Although tedious, the correction process makes system designers to estab lish thorough follow-up that would limit the reoccurrence of any defect. The technologists may take precise steps as per the severity of the damage by downgrading the product, recalling the product, or notifying the prospective client.  Currently, there exist several prevention techniques used by specialists in technology management. For example, specialists can install an alarm to provide warnings whenever a process drifts into nonconformity. In this scenario, statistical process control (SPC) charts would act as precise alarms.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Concepts of Culture, Minority Groups, Stereotypes and Essay

The Concepts of Culture, Minority Groups, Stereotypes and Discrimination - Essay Example Rapid changes characterize the modern world. With these changes taking place, the business world has been one area where these changes have necessitated new approaches to management. In this case, the business world has witnessed workers from differing backgrounds in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, and philosophical beliefs come together in the workplace. In some cases, managers are not aware of the inherent differences among their employees. On the other hand, some managers are aware of these differences and try to make use of these differences to the benefit of the organization. This approach is managing diversity in an organization, and it is important for management to find the best approaches to deal with the issues of culture, minority groups, stereotypes, and discrimination in the workplace in order to make sure that the organization benefited from all workers. In this case, an organization should find the best approaches to integrate these concepts in the workplace in order to manage diversity in the workplace. The United Nations High Commission on Human Rights defined cultures as constituting â€Å"differences in academic qualifications, religion, and expressive features of a social group’s traditions and beliefs†. In line with this, it is evident that the contemporary society’s workplace is representative of these people who demonstrate these differences. In an organizational perspective, these different groups enhance the organization’s objectives with their own flavor of cultural background, lifestyle, vision, and fulfillment of challenges†. In effect, it is crucial for an organization to ensure that employees enhanced the organization’s objectives while following a similar approach in order to ensure that the organizational goals were achieved using a common approach. Minority groups are the groups that traditionally lack power in an organization, which include women and members of other ethnic and racial groups that were not dominant in an organization. In line with this, it is crucial to point out that these groups face challenges when integrating themselves in the workplace, which affects their productivity due to the factors that prevent their participation in an organization. Hence, managers should define approaches that ensured their integration in a manner that was efficient and effective. On the other hand, these groups might face challenges to participate in the workplace due to the different stereotypes. In effect, the stereotypes contribute to discrimination in the workplace. In line with this, cultural stereotypes also affect the integration of people from disparate cultures in the workplace. Fiske and Lee identified stereotypes as the â€Å"categorical associations-including traits, behaviors and roles-perceivers make to group members based on their membership†. In effect, these perceptions affect the interaction of workers in the workplace, whi ch effectively affects productivity and profitability in an organization. Hence, effective approaches to managing diversity are essential in ensuring that workers did not allow their perceptions about other workers influence their interaction in the workplace. For example, today’s workplace witnesses more women, who have long been considered a minority group, taking leadership roles in various organizations. In effect, men identified women with stereotypes related to women being sex objects, which limits the ascendancy of women to positions of leadership in organizations and their interaction as equal workers in the same organizations with men. On the other hand, discrimination refers to â€Å"perceiver advantages that advantage one group over another† in the workplace.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Answer the question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Answer the question - Essay Example The practices should be friendly enough for the students to be interested to adopt and implement them and continue focusing on them rather than the socially unacceptable behaviors. I agree with the teachers that the fourfold interest is good for the children to use to pursue their own interests and gain experience. However it is necessary for them to learn the subjects even if juts the basics if their knowledge is to widen and they are to learn more about the world outside their schools and homes. Subject such as English is important for their communication. Not all children have their first language as English and hence may have difficulties communicating in proper correct English if they are not taught. History is important for the children to grasp the concepts of their country, how it came to be as well as about the other continents. Children not exposed to these subjects are bound to have closed minds which is not good for the global environment in this day and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Media Consumption in the Home Environment and Media Consumption in Essay

Media Consumption in the Home Environment and Media Consumption in other Contexts - Essay Example This is because home is seen as a place where individuals, more or less, strip off their social niceties and take up the appearance of what they really are and want to be. Home is seen as a relaxing environment as compared to the office or school. This â€Å"relaxing† environment in itself comes with certain advantages and disadvantages when it comes to media consumption. Home is the primary location for most of the media consumption in today’s technologically advanced world. As mentioned earlier, the two forms of media that have the most use are television and the internet. Out of these, according to a recent study, television is still the dominant media of consumption. (Crum, 2009) However, there has been a marked increase in the use of internet over the past few years. Media plays an extremely important role in our day-to-day life. It becomes a part of our routine without us even realizing it. It would not be wrong to say that we are tangled in a web of mass media, with no return. From television to internet to cell phones and radio, our life cannot seem to function without the use of media. The patterns of media consumption illustrate certain interesting aspects. Media viewing is seen as being determined by factors such as gender, leisure time and family orientation among others. Morley has talked about the ‘overall context of family leisure activity’ and how it affects media consumption. With regard to gender and patterns of media consumption, the most interesting case study was put forward by Bausinger. Whatever work that has been carried out in the field of gender politics with relation to media consumption is evidence of the societal norms and conditioning that human beings go through. The expectations of the society with a gender are taken at face value and followed for the rest of our lives, mostly. This is why even with regard to media consumption there is a distinct difference between gender attitudes towards media in a home environment.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Explain the nature and implications of one of the challenges in Research Paper

Explain the nature and implications of one of the challenges in managing the global workforce - Research Paper Example People pertaining to different areas tend to reflect certain behavioural attributes that bear linkages to their social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Perception level of the people starts differing from each other in relation to their beliefs, attitudes towards events or issues and also owing to religious and linguistic differences. Social or cultural dogmas emerge among the people owing to differences in their styles of communication or the differences relating to their lifestyles. Thus herein the confluence of diverse cultural groups within an organisational setting tends to render a challenging task for the manager to confront with. Organisations working along international boundaries embracing people from different cultural and social backgrounds thus need to enhance their way of understanding and incorporating of such to earn due effectiveness. One significant challenge imposed by the existence of cross-cultural people in organisations relates to the problem of communication. Failure of understanding of different languages and styles of communication tends to create a challenge behind effective modes of interaction among organisational people. Similarly another significant challenge owes to the differences in traits reflected by the people pertaining to decision-making and interaction styles. Examples can be cited relating to cases of British personnel declining to share their personal matters with colleagues and managers. Likewise again interaction and decision-making styles also tend to significantly differ between American and Japanese personnel. These types of behavioural and cultural differences tend to create ethnic barriers within the organisation (Bhatia, 2009, p.269-270). In addition to the above challenges organisations now-a-days tend to encompass people pertaining to different educational, age and sexual backgrounds. Inclusion of people pertaining to different age groups and sexual orientations tend to enhance the challenges relating to the management of organisational workforce in global concerns. Moreover introduction of new policies relating to work-time flexibility has also led to the development of new cultures helping people to work in a home-office environment. This process of rendering work-time flexibility creates new organisational challenges for the human resource managers in terms of enhancing their administrative focus. Modern business organisation policies tend to gain inclusion of such diverse workgroups along different organisational levels that thereby amounts to the cultivation of a new system of workforce management. Failure to device organisational policies focusing on inclusion of such culturally diverse workforce tends to contribute to the enhancement of ambiguity and confusion in the concern. Managers working in such diverse cultural settings are required to largely empathise with the different feelings reflected by the different cultural groups thereby encouraging them to work in a productive an d creative fashion within the company. Challenges faced by human resource ma

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Assisted suicide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Assisted suicide - Research Paper Example By definition, differential association is a theory suggesting that through interaction, people discover techniques, attitudes, values, and motives for immoral behavior. In contrast, self-derogation is a theory predicting that low self-worth motivates the young to try out criminal behaviors that are meant at re-establishing sense of worth. This is a paper that critically examines assisted suicide through the use of differential association theory and self-derogation theory. Crime: Assisted Suicide Life can have different meanings and impressions on different people. Some people might see it as the need of having a continued well functioning of human body and the brain. Others might see it as the continued long term experience with the life of a human being (Miller 25). Many doctors have been able to perform some physician-assisted suicide, which sees a doctor sets up some machine and the patient ends up killing him or herself. On the hand, euthanasia also is an act which is done by t he doctor to kill a patient. There have been two argumentation points on this grave issue. One of the sides has been on whether an individual should be permitted to bring his or her precious life to an end. The other one of questions has been on the person who is obliged to make the decision in ending one’s life. Such has brought much debate on the issues (Peterson & Otsuki 3). While there is the outstanding difference between what is known as assisted suicide with the euthanasia, the two conflicting arguments have always existed. Many people have always been opposed to this assisted suicide performances due to the fact that their own religious beliefs propose the opposite since such a practice violates human existence, and since God should decide the person who should die. However, some religious groups and faiths have always believed in this form of assisted suicide by physicians. Continued arguments have proposed that these assisted suicides on patients in pain might be le gal in helping the people (Gunn & Maimon 309). This is so since such patients do live all their days wishing whether they could die and bring an end to their pain and suffering. Sigmund Freud was an example who ordered his physician to inject him with morphine and bring his life to an end. Such was an assisted suicide and an end to his pain. This places a great interest on this right to die or live which is on the person’s own decision. One the other hand, when it comes to the decision of ending the life of an individual and the right to death, there is a very difficult and hard decision which has to be considered by the people concerned. While the practice has been banned in some areas, most of the places and states have been in favor of the physician-assisted deaths and suicide in ending the pains on patients whose periods to live is less than six months. Suicide should hence be seen as a destruction of an individual’s own body (Miller 29). When the doctor does help an individual bring an end on the life of a given patient in some unending pain, then it is something which has been greatly argued on by majority of individuals. As well, many issues have been raised on the whether a patient should be allowed to decide for the kind of decision he or she is about to make towards ending his life, or whether it should be duty of the family to come up with such a decision. The decisions of the patient and the family might be varying, and thus the law should

Problems in Economic Development 's assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Problems in Economic Development 's - Assignment Example However, extensive stage of growth is where by growth in the economy is caused by intensive factors such as improved technology that help to increase production. As a result, economic growth is achieved. Developed countries experience this type of growth as they try to enhance production through improving technology. 3. a) Reversal of fortunes refers to the reversal of income distribution from the 1500 to the present. The richest civilizations in 1500 were the Aztec and the Incas. While the lowest civilizations were in North America, New Zealand and Australia, which were less, developed. However in present day, the US, Canada and New Zealand are richer than countries occupying territories of Mughal, Aztec and Incas. Therefore shows the reversal of fortune. b) The Simple Geography Hypothesis states that the time invariant effects of geographic variables, like climate and disease, on work effort, productivity, and output. However, this is contrary to the reversal of fortune, as countries that were prosperous in 1500 should still be prosperous today, as geographical features do not change. c) Europeans established these two institutions in their colonies. One was the extractive institutions, which concentrate power in the hands of small groups of elites and produce a high threat of expropriation for the mainstream population. The other was the institution of private property that are important for economic performance. They were established in the Aztec and the Incas empires. 4. a) Microfinance Institutions characteristics include: They offer small loans to start businesses. They also offer loans at lower rates than other financial institutions. Finally, the repayment dates are fixed and no negotiations are made unlike for other moneylenders. b) Microfinance Institutions have been successful to some point as people have started businesses and purchased larger durable goods that they would not have bought without such

Friday, August 23, 2019

Topic of expanding slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Topic of expanding slavery - Essay Example William Lloyd Garrison, a respected proponent for ending slavery in the 19th century, spoke out on behalf of slaves by utilizing Gods will as a means to sway voters against the practice. In his work entitled Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society, Garrison states, "every American citizen, who detains a human being in involuntary bondage as his property, is, according to Scripture, a man-stealer" (, 2007). What this suggests is that Garrison is attempting to use religious doctrine as a means to coerce plantation owners (or any other slave owner) to remember that God did not condone nor would he reward individuals who kept other men as their own property. With such a strong Christian-based faith system in 19th century America, individuals with the courage similar to that of Garrison were attempting to suggest that God would cast judgment on slave owners in negative fashion. When fear of God is instilled on faithful followers, the end result is typica lly a shift in values. Further, this appeared to be a time of reasoning, where intellectual prowess and improvements in the social condition of the nation were primary objectives for enlightened people (or at least those who believed they were sophisticated). When slaves were being kept in bondage, without access to books and higher education at that time, they were not becoming enlightened individuals ( With such a large emphasis on intellectualism, Northerners began to realize, offering a rather subjective analysis, that unless these slaves received a proper moral and intellectual education, they would not become active and productive members of society. Imposing the belief in higher thinking, then, was another rationale that caused the shift toward freeing slaves, or at least preventing the expansion of slavery into the Western regions of the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Obesity as a Social and Medical Problem Essay Example for Free

Obesity as a Social and Medical Problem Essay Obesity has become an epidemic in our over indulgent North American society. In addition to body image issues, obesity causes significant health issues. Society often views the word obesity to be a disease when it is actually a sign of a disorder; genetic or environmental. The percentage of our population that is growing overweight is increasing every year, and can become a very serious issue if it is not dealt with more urgently. Problems relating to self-confidence, self-consciousness, and isolation can occur as a result. An enduring problem in today’s society, especially with children, has to deal with sociality. Public appearance is very important to us and when we don’t look good, or have a low self-esteem, it can lead to further issues; possibly fatal. Those with the â€Å"obese† label have to deal with social problems every single day. The fact they don’t look â€Å"normal† causes them to not fit in with the â€Å"regular crowd† and can lead to isolation issues. Being isolated from the majority of the population can lead to problems such as depression and later on, suicide. Another big influence on social problems relating to obesity is the media. Every day at some time, somewhere, we are watching TV, reading the newspaper, or searching the web. The media tends to give labels and meaning to words in which we get influenced on. The view that the media portrays to us is that if you are a certain weight, you are obese; and vice-versa. Another problem with the media is the amount of time our society spends on it. Time consumed on useless media takes away from time spent doing productive activities such as exercising. However, the corruption in social patterns relating to obesity isn’t the only problem. Another big factor stands on the medical side. Obesity is a risk in a number of prolonged diseases. Maintaining a healthy weight is critical in order to reduce the risk of those diseases and additionally, improve your overall health. Many children and youth have fewer opportunities to be physically active at school as physical education classes and time spent being physically active at school have been reduced. Being overweight or obese has many risks involved. Serious conditions such as a stroke, high blood pressure, and Type 2 diabetes, can occur as a result; just to name a few. Linked with health problems is a poor diet. Variations in our food environment have made it challenging to maintain a healthy weight. Society tends to want to eat more fast-food rather than cooking at home because it is cheaper and less time-consuming. We have become lazy when it comes to our diets. We don’t take into consideration the Food Guide and basically eat what we want, when we want. Obesity is also a major drain on the economy. The amount of money being spent on health care because of obesity-related diseases is astronomical. The Globe and Mail had an article headlined, â€Å"Obesity costs economy up to $7-billion a year†. By eating right and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, our society can cut down economic costs drastically. All we need to have is some discipline, the proper diet, and exercise. Numerous children today are spending less time exercising and more time in front of the TV, computer, or video-game console. Even worse, some schools have banned the use of balls used at recess. An article in the Toronto Star explained why such a peculiar ban took place at Earl Beatty Public School, â€Å"The letter stated that there have been a â€Å"few serious incidents† in which staff and students have been hit, or come close to being struck, by flying balls. Not only are we lacking in exercise, the catalyst for running around at recess has now been taken away for some. This issue is going to further decrease the amount of physical activity kids partake in, and increase the possibilities of obesity. Commuting to and from work also contributes to obesity when you consider that in order to get by, mo st families need to have at least two incomes. People often have to commute long distances to jobs, and with the minimal time for meal preparation, fast foods become a number one option. Furthermore, having supermarkets, as well as other grocery stores open all night, more money is being spent on expensive, half-prepared meals. Children need to have a healthy example with their parents being physically active and eating healthy. Preventing children from becoming overweight means adapting to the way your family eats and exercises. Many believe that it is the parents fault when it comes to child obesity, and they’re correct. Children don’t have the discipline to eat â€Å"healthy† foods and aren’t capable of preparing home-made meals. It is the parent’s job to influence and lead the way for our youth. If parents set a better example health-wise for their children, it is highly doubtful that the percentage of obesity would be even remotely close to where it is now. Managing and preventing obesity can lead to many societal benefits. Having healthy, positive-minded people in our cities is always encouraging. Managing obesity can lessen the stress that occurs at work, as well as create a friendlier environment. Having a good work environment has shown to raise productivity, therefore creating better capital. Another optimistic result from obesity management in society is the discipline factor. If those that are overweight can overcome a huge default in their life, by working hard and staying focused, it will then translate into other aspects of their day-to-day lives. Our society will become that of a disciplined one, therefore work will become more productive because there is better focus on the tasks at hand; furthermore, children in school will become more confident because of how hard they worked as well as their new self-image. Overall, if our world can manage and prevent obesity, living can ultimately consist more of positive vibes and less of anxiety. In conclusion, it is clear we have a serious issue with obesity that impacts many aspects of people’s lives. It is an austere condition that doesn’t get monitored with enough concern. Possibilities such as Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure are the two leading causes from being overweight. Medical, as well as social research can help people further comprehend that weight and obesity issues are vastly social, not individual. We have to start working together on fighting obesity. We are a lazy society and we tend to make things harder than they really are. If society works together to help those in need by giving them the courage and confidence needed to make a personal change, this unnecessary burden called obesity can be upheld. It all starts with the right diet as well as exercise and a strong commitment. As little as ten minutes a day on the bike can improve one’s health. The ball is in our court, and stronger action needs to be taken. We need to start now because the benefits to individuals as well as society are well worth the effort.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Septic Shock: Causes and Treatments

Septic Shock: Causes and Treatments Jessica Jensen North Mohave Community College Nursing 222 Monika V. Wise, RN, BSN, MS Septic Shock It knows no boundaries. It is not biased or racist, and it is a killer. It will affect any age or gender. It is cunning, quick to manifest itself, and life-threatening, it is septic shock. Sepsis is a crafty syndrome that most people may not even realize they have until a family member realizes they are acting different and takes them to the emergency department. First it starts with an infection, then early sepsis, which if not treated it turns into septic shock. Sepsis is defined by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign as a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 489). Septic shock is defined as a subset of sepsis with circulatory and cellular/metabolic dysfunction associated with a higher risk of mortality (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 489).Sepsis and septic shock are major health problems around the world, killing millions of people each year. It is estimated that one in four people die from sepsis each year (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 489). Septic shock starts from an infection, the invading bacteria go untreated and invade the bodys tissues. This invasion provokes an inflammatory response that activates inflammatory mediators, such as tumor necrosis factor and interleukins, and biochemical mediators like cytokines. These inflammatory mediators impair the microvasculature, which results in increased capillary permeability and vasodilation (Hinkle Cheever, 2014, p. 302; Wagner Hardin-Pierce, 2014, p. 866). The increased capillary permeability and vasodilation interrupt the bodys ability to provide adequate oxygenation and perfusion to the tissues and cells (Hinkle Cheever, 2014, p. 302). When the proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators (cytokines, interleukins, etc.) are released it activates the coagulation system, and clots begin to form regardless of bleeding being present (Hinkle Cheever, 2014, p. 302). These cascades of clotting and inflammation are critical elements of the progression of sepsis. The clinical manifestations of sepsis are the patient has a temperature of more than 38 degree Celsius or less than 36 degree Celsius, heart rate greater than 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate greater than 20 breaths per minute, and a white blood cell count greater than 12,000 mL or less than 4,000 mL, or an immature (band) forms greater than 10%, and an infection is confirmed (Wagner Hardin-Pierce, 2014, table 36-8). Severe sepsis is associated with organ dysfunction, hypotension, and hypoperfusion. Along with the previous symptoms lactic acidosis, oliguria, or acute alteration in mental status are evident (Wagner Hardin-Pierce, 2014, table 36-8). Septic shock is associated with hypotension despite fluid resuscitation, and the other manifestations already mentioned (Wagner Hardin-Pierce, 2014, table 36-8). As sepsis worsens the patients extremities will be cold and mottling may be present, lactate levels rise, and ScvO2 decreases (Wagner Hardin-Pierce, 2014, p. 867). It is important for hospitals to have a protocol in place to recognize and treat sepsis. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign has suggested that all hospitals have a sepsis screening for critically ill and high risk patients. It is recommended that blood cultures be obtained immediately before antibiotic therapy is started, and antibiotics should be administer one hour after the diagnosis of sepsis is made (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 494). An empiric broad spectrum antibiotic with one or more antimicrobial is usually chosen, to cover all likely pathogens, until the invading pathogen is identified. When the pathogen is identified the patient is switched to an antibiotic that is more effective for the pathogen found (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 494-495). A lactate level should also be drawn because it is an indicator of tissue oxygenation and a high level is closely associated with shock (Wagner Hardin-Pierce, 2014, p. 268). Fluid resuscitation should begin w ithin the first three hours and 30 mL/kg IV crystalloid fluids should be given (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 491). If the patient is in severe sepsis heading toward septic shock vasoactive drugs are recommended to increase the patients hemodynamic status. Norepinephrine is the recommended first-line drug for sepsis, and low-dose dopamine should be used to for renal protection. If the patient is not responding to vasopressors and fluids, IV corticosteroids can be used at a dose of 200 mg per day (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 504-506). Tight glucose control should be maintained. It is recommended that glucose levels should be under 180 mg/dL (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 514). If the patient is ventilated they should be sedated and given analgesic medication (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 513.) Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis should be initiated to prevent blood clots. It is recommended that a low molecular weight heparin be used along with sequential compression devices (mechanical prophylaxis). A proton pump inhibitor or histamine-2 receptor antagoni st should be used to prevent stress ulcers if there is a high risk for gastrointestinal bleeding (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 516-518). Nutritional therapy should be initiated twenty-four to forty-eight hours after admission to address the hypermetabolic state (Hinkle Cheever, 2014, p.304). Enteral nutrition is recommended route of administration (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2017, p. 518). It is also very important to communicate with the patient and family. Septic shock can be fatal. If the patient is in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and the patient is refractory to treatment, end-of-life care should be discussed with the family. Treatment is aggressive and it could take time for the patient to get better. Keeping the family updated and educated in the process assist with the patients outcome. Sepsis is no laughing matter. It takes lives. That is why it is essential to know what the signs of sepsis are, and once the patient is diagnosed, strict measures of treatment need to be enforced. It is also important to know the hospitals sepsis policy. Immediate action will assist in a more positive outcome for the patient. References Hinkle, J. L., Cheever, K. H. (2014). Shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. In Brunner Studdarths Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (13th ed.) (pp. 285-309). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Society of Critical Care Medicine. (2017). Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock: 2016. Critical Care Medicine, 45(3), pp. 486-552. Wagner, K.D., Hardin-Pierce, M.G. (2014). Shock states. In High-Acuity Nursing (6 ed.) (pp. 850-874). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

How Does The Bus Topology Works Information Technology Essay

How Does The Bus Topology Works Information Technology Essay The bus topology is a series of nodes which are all connected to a backbone. Bus networks typically work well for smaller networks and use Ethernet cables for networking. It is easy to maintain and troubleshoot in a bus network. How does the BUS topology works : The bus topology connects each computer on the network into something called the segment trunk. A bus is usually referred to a cable that connects end to end and this is used to transmit the signals from one end to the other end. At every end a terminator is placed so that it understands in which direction the data is traveling and also the terminator is used to absorb the signals Figure 1 : BUS topology ii. Star topology : A star topology is based on a central node which acts as a hub. A star topology is common in homes networks where all the computers connect to the single central computer using it as a hub. How does the Star topology works : A star network features a central connection point called a hub that may be a hub, switch or router. Devices typically connect to the hub with Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Ethernet. Compared to the bus topology, a star network generally requires more cable, but a failure in any star network cable will only take down one computers network access and not the entire LAN. Figure 2 : Star topology iii. Ring topology : A ring network is circular in shape and every node will have one node on either side of it. The ring topology is rare to come across because of its limitations. If there is damaged cable or breakdown in any one of the nodes then the entire network stops functioning. How does the Ring topology works : A ring network is a network topology in which each node connects to exactly two other nodes, forming a single continuous pathway for signals through each node a ring. Data travels from node to node, with each node along the way handling every packet. Because a ring topology provides only one pathway between any two nodes, ring networks may be disrupted by the failure of a single link. Figure 3 : Ring topology iv. Mesh topology : Mesh topology is a group of nodes which are all connected to each other and many types of connections are possible in a mesh topology How does the Mesh topology works : In a Mesh Network every node is connected to other nodes on the network through hops. Some are connected through single hops and some may be connected with more than one hope. While the data is traveling on the Mesh Network it is automatically configured to reach the destination by taking the shortest route which means the least number of hops. Figure 4 : Mesh topology v. Tree topology: The tree topology is a group of star networks put together. The only difference is that the tree topology follows a hierarchy in structure and the entire tree is dependent on this hierarchy. How does the Tree topology works : Among all the Network Topologies we can derive that the Tree Topology is a combination of the bus and the Star Topology. The tree like structure allows you to have many servers on the network and you can branch out the network in many ways. Figure 5 : Tree topology Task -1 (b) The advantages and disadvantages for each medium of network topology. Some of medium are cat5, cat6, fiber optic, coaxial cable etc. Cat5 : Category 5 cable is a twisted pair high signal integrity cable type often referred to as Cat5 or Cat-5. Most cables are unshielded, relying on the twisted pair design for noise rejection, and some are shielded. Figure 6 : Cat5 Cable This category of UTP cable is the most commonly used cable in present day networks. It consists of four twisted pairs and is used in those Ethernet networks that run at the speed of 100 Mbps. Category 5 cable can also provide a higher speed of up to 1000 Mbps. Cat6 : Category 6 cable, commonly referred to as Cat-6, is a cable standard for Gigabit Ethernet and other network protocols that are backward compatible with the Category 5/5e and Category 3 cable standards. Compared with Cat-5 and Cat-5e, Cat-6 features more stringent specifications for crosstalk and system noise. Figure 7 : Cat6 Advantages : Cat 6 will be very effective in the residential market to support higher Internet access speeds. The better balance of cat6 will make it easier to meet the residential EMC requirements compared to cat 5e cabling. The growth of streaming media applications to the home will increase the need for higher data rates which are supported more easily and efficiently by category 6 cabling. Disadvantages : It transfer data in Gigabytes per seconds. It is costly. Fiber optic cable : Fiber optic cables are made up of glass, and they transmit data in the form of light, unlike the copper wire that uses electrical signals. A reflective coating that allows light beams to travel without outer interference covers the glass cable. Figure 8 : Fiber optic cables The advantages of Fiber optic cables are that signals can be sent at a much higher speed and to very long distances without the risk of outer interference. There are more advantages of fiber optic cables are : System Performance Greatly increased bandwidth and capacity Lower signal attenuation (loss) Immunity to Electrical Noise No crosstalk Lower bit error rates Signal Security Difficult to tap Overall System Economy Low per-channel cost Lower installation cost Disadvantages of fiber optic cable : One problems with optical fibers is that the electrical information signals must be converted (modulated) to light at the transmitter and then down converted (demodulated) from light back to electrical signals at the receiver. The main disadvantage of fiber optics is that the cables are expensive to install and are more fragile than metal wire and are more difficult to split. Coaxial cable : Coaxial cable, or coax, is an electrical cable with an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating layer typically of a flexible material with a high dielectric constant, all of which are surrounded by a conductive layer called the shield, and finally covered with a thin insulating layer on the outside. Figure 9 : Coaxial cable Advantages of coaxial cables are : Coax has a sufficient frequency range to support multiple channels, which allows for much greater throughput. Compared to twisted-pair, coax provides greater bandwidth systemwide, and it also offers greater bandwidth for each channel. Because it has greater bandwidth per channel, it supports a mixed range of services. Voice, data, and even video and multimedia can benefit from the enhanced capacity. Disadvantages of coaxial cables are : More expensive than twisted pairs and is not supported for some network standards (eg token ring), its also very bulky and also has high attenuation so would have the need to implement repeaters etc. Task 1 (c) From our above investigation and determination that BUSS topology is too much vulnerable. Ring topology creates too much redundant link. MASS topology is more expensive and difficult to install. So Star topology will be the best solution for the network of the headquarter of police department in Townsville. Because, according to our investigation here are the key points. Good performance; Reliable (if one connection fails, it doesnt affect others); Easy to replace, install or remove hosts or other devices. There are several medium we have found but we have decided to use Cat6 cable as medium for this network. TASK 2 Task 2 (a) After investigate I have many internet service in my country. The Internet Services are : Broadband Internet Service, Fiber Optic Internet Services, Radio Link Internet Services, WiFi etc. Broadband Internet Service : Broadband Internet access, often shortened to just broadband, is a high data rate Internet access-. Fiber Optic Internet Service : An optical fiber is a glass or plastic fiber that carries light along its length. fiber optics is the overlap of applied science and engineering concerned with the design and application of optical fibers. Radio Link Internet Service : Radio Link Protocol (RLP) is an automatic repeat request (ARQ) fragmentation protocol used over a wireless (typically cellular) air interface WiFi Technology : Wi-Fi works with no physical wired connection between sender and receiver by using radio frequency (RF) technology, a frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum associated with radio wave propagation. When an RF current is supplied to an antenna, an electromagnetic field is created that then is able to propagate through space. The cornerstone of any wireless network is an access point (AP). But I think it will be best to use Fiber Optic Internet Services for the police department of Townsville. Because, it has so many advantages and this may be the best way for the police department of Townsville. Task 2 (b) The police department in Townsville needs an own server to maintain their all information that are so confidential. If they use other server then that confidential data may be lost. Server needs to high configured PC with high speed Internet speed, cooling system (because, all time the server will be opened), a big storages and finally it requires the best and secure operating system such as Linux or Windows 200 Server. There are different people in the headquarter house who needs different type of internet connection based on their designation and responsibility. Here is a comparison list of each person to show what internet connection is required for whom. The Chief Constable The Chief Constable, who is responsible for the policing of that area, needs more powerful configuration than others. He needs 2 MBPS internet speed. The assistant Chief Constable The assistant Chief Constable assist to the Chief Constable and he needs higher configuration than others but lower than the Chief Constable a little bit. It needs 1 MBPS internet speed. District Commander The policing in each district is the responsibility of a district command. They need 512KBPS internet speed. Deputy District Commander The deputy district command assist to the district commander. They need 512 KBPS internet speed. For sergeants and constables Each district has three sergeants and twenty four constables allocated to it. And they need also 512 KBPS internet speed. The police officers Each district has five police car to patrolling the area and responding the incidents. The police officer also patrols the local area on foot. The police officer needs 512 KBPS for it. A large office Each district has its own large office within the headquarters building and requires a workstation for each district commander and for each deputy district commander. They need 512KBPS for their job. Detective Chief Inspector They need 1 MBPS internet speeds also. Because, they need to search, make a report, send and get any information easily and quickly. Detective Inspector The detective inspector assist to the Detective Chief Inspector. So they also heed 1 MPBS internet speeds. The civilian staff The police department also has twenty civilian staff, responsible for general administration work including operating the telephone system and general administration duties. They need 512 KBPS internet speed. Task 2 (c) There are so many Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Bangladesh. Such as : : it has the best package that name Corporate High-Speed Internet. Bangladesh Online : Bijoy Online Limited : Grameen Cyber Net Limited : Dhaka Com : Task 2 (d) I recommend to use for Internet Service Providers (ISP). Because, they have more facilities with low price. TASK-3 Task-3 (a) Characteristics of Private Mobile Radio (PMR) : Provides, for example, taxi firms with local radio communications on a single channel. Communications are half duplex, so this requires strict operating procedures to control conversation (for example use of key words such as over and out). Requires a license from the appropriate government department. Bandwidth and channel availability is limited. Coverage area is limited. Disadvantages of PMR : Lack of privacy as all communications take place on a single channel that anyone with a suitable radio receiver can listen to. Coverage limitations (25 km radius max). Generally, PRM services have only one base station covering the area of operation of the company. If a mobile unit exceeds these boundaries communications are lost. Public Trunked Mobile Radio (PTMR) : PTMR was originally designed for voice communications but it can also support data. It communication area half duplex. Characteristics of PTMR : The prime application suited to PTMR is vehicle fleet communications. Half duplex voice communication is provided, using over and out etc. to control conversation flow. Some PTMR radio sets have a data port, usually RS-232. Data is transmitted at 1.2 Kbit/s. Task-3 (b) Legal requirements are : Requirements of frequencies For omni directional and point to multi-point system Sl Symbol Frequency Range (Lower Limit Exclusive, Upper Limit Inclusive) 1 VLF 3~30 KHz 200.00 2 LF 30~300 KHz 200.00 3 MF 300~3000KHz 200.00 4 HF 3~30 MHz 300.00 5 VHF 30~300 MHz 100.00 6 UHF1 300~1000 MHz 50.00 7 UHF2 1000~3000 MHz 30.00 8 SHF 3~16 GHz 20.00 9 SHF2 EHF1 16~65 GHz 10.00 10 EHF2 65~300 GHz 1.00 1 VLF 3~30 KHz 200.00 2 LF 30~300 KHz 200.00 3 MF 300~3000KHz 200.00 4 HF 3~30 MHz 300.00 5 VHF 30~300 MHz 100.00 6 UHF1 300~1000 MHz 50.00 7 UHF2 1000~3000 MHz 30.00 8 SHF 3~16 GHz 20.00 9 SHF2 EHF1 16~65 GHz 10.00 10 EHF2 65~300 GHz 1.00 1 VLF 3~30 KHz 200.00 2 LF 30~300 KHz 200.00 3 MF 300~3000KHz 200.00 4 HF 3~30 MHz 300.00 5 VHF 30~300 MHz 100.00 6 UHF1 300~1000 MHz 50.00 7 UHF2 1000~3000 MHz 30.00 8 SHF 3~16 GHz 20.00 9 SHF2 EHF1 16~65 GHz 10.00 10 EHF2 65~300 GHz 1.00 1 VLF 3~30 KHz 200.00 2 LF 30~300 KHz 200.00 3 MF 300~3000KHz 200.00 4 HF 3~30 MHz 300.00 For UHF, M/W, EHF point to point links per year basis Sl Frequency Range (Lower Limit Exclusive, Upper Limit Inclusive) 1 UHF 1 ~3 GHz 2 M/W 3 GHz ~16 GHz 3 M/W 16 GHz ~65 GHz 4 M/W 65 GHz ~100 GHz 5 Above 100 GHz Requirements of license Srl Category of Licence License Remarks 01 International Gateway (IGW) Services 4 including BTCL 02 Interconnection Exchange (ICX) Services 3 including BTCL 03 International Internet Gateway (IIG) Services 2 including BTCL 04 Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) 2 05 Cellular Mobile Telecom Operator 6 including Taletalk 06 Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Operator 14 including BTCL 07 Nationwide Telecommunication Transmission Network (NTTN) Services Provider 2 08 Nationwide Optical Fibre Telecommunication Transmission Network 1 09 Pre-Paid Card Service Operator 2 10 Vehicle Tracking Services 3 11 Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider Nationwide 26 12 Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider Central Zone 4 13 Internet Protocol Telephony Service Provider Zonal 3 14 Internet Service Provider Nationwide 101 15 Internet Service Provider Central Zone 81 16 Internet Service Provider Zonal 54 17 Internet Service Provider Category A 102 18 Internet Service Provider Category B 16 19 Internet Service Provider Category C 5 20 VSAT User 53 21 VSAT Provider 14 22 VSAT Provider with HUB 5 23 Call Centre 315 24 Hosted Call Centre 58 25 Hosted Call Centre Service Provider 47 26 International Call Centre 2 Total Number of Present Licenses 925 Task-3 (c) Requirements of some equipment are : Space/Ground/Land; House/Room; Wireless; Handsets; Cable; Transmitter etc. The estimation cost for everything to setup this system Frequency cost 200 taka or more for per Khz in per year. Equipment cost around 1000000 taka. So, total estimating cost around 10,000000 or above. Task-3 (d) Limitation of PMR : Lack of privacy; Coverage limitations (25 km radium max); Congestion, as many users are assigned to a single channel. Limitation of PTMR : It has time limitation, if large amounts of data have to be transmitted. Task-3 (e) I recommend using Private Mobile Radio (PMR) to set up voice communication. Because, it has not noise, cost efficiency, frequency rate good, international standard, Confidentiality etc. TASK 4 Task 4 (a) The main equipment that would be installed are : Telephone instruments. Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs). Key Telephone Systems (KTSs). Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) systems. Voice Processing Systems. Telephone Answering Machines. Telephone Call Information Loggers (CIL). Facsimile Machines. Modems. Local Area Network (LAN) Bridges. Local Area Network (LAN) Routers. Multiplexers. Task 4 (b) The available features for this systems are : PBXs A private branch exchange (PBX) is a telephone exchange that serves a particular business or office, as opposed to one that a common carrier or telephone company operates for many businesses or for the general public. PBXs are also referred to as: * PABX private automatic branch exchange * EPABX electronic private automatic branch exchange Figure 10 How PBX works Features of PBXs : Account Code: Account code for dialing calls Alternate Number Ring: Assign a different number to same line that rings with a different cadence Attendant: Main Operator extension Autodialer: Support multiple autodialing techniques Automatic Attendant PBX Automatic Line Selection Automatic Hold PBX Automatic Redial Automated directory: Automatically connect to an extension by name Automatic Call Distribution: ACD Barge-In: Allow an extension to break into a call at another extension Billed Calls Only: Outgoing calls must be collect or 3rd-party billed Boss-secretary functions: The bosses phone and the secretarys phone are linked togheter PBX Busy Ring Call Back Call Center: Organizations using PBX technology Call Forwarding: Redirects all incoming calls towards other extension Call Monitoring Call Recording Call Return: Call Through: Service for savings on local interconnect charges Call Transfer: Hand a call off to another extension Call Trace: mark a call in system logs as requiring tracing or special attention Call Park: Place a call on hold and allow anyone to dial an extension and take the call Call Pickup: Take a parked call off hold KTSs A key system or key telephone system is a multiline telephone system typically used in small office environments. Key was a Bell System term of art for a manually operated switch, such as the line-buttons on the phones associated with such systems. A key system was originally distinguished from a private branch exchange (PBX) in that it allowed the station user to see and control the calls directly, manually, using lighted line buttons. Key systems are noted for their expandability and having individual line selection buttons for each connected phone line, however some features of a private branch exchange such as dialable intercoms may also commonly be present. Key systems can be built using three principal architectures: * Electromechanical shared-control * Electronic shared-control * Independent keysets The features of KTSs : 1. AUTOMATED ATTENDANT/VOICE ANNOUNCEMENT allows you to record a greeting (20 second maximum) that the incoming caller will hear after one ring. The caller may then select one of the options offered in the recording which will ring the extension of the desired party. A typical business recording might be Thank you for calling 2. AUTOMATIC FAX RECOGNITION when utilizing the AUTOMATED ATTENDANT, the system will recognize an incoming fax, and will automatically route to the fax machines extension. This feature saves you money by freeing up dedicated fax lines for voice or other uses. 3. AUTO ANSWER allows extensions with a key phone to receive internal intercom calls directly through their speaker phone without having to pickup the handset. 4. INTERCOM allows private communication between system users. IPS Key Telephones can dial another internal extension by simply pressing the button or key associated with the other extension . 5. DIRECT CALLER ACCESS TO EXTENSIONS when utilizing the AUTOMATED ATTENDANT, the incoming caller may, upon hearing the recorded greeting, connect to any desired extension by dialing the three digit extension number (100 to 107 on the IPS308, 100 to 115 on the IPS416) 6. SYSTEM PROGRAMMING VIA PC OR PHONE one of the most significant features of the IPS is the ability to program its features utilizing the IPS programming software. The softwares graphics, help menus, and cue cards make programming simple from start to finish. 7. CALLER ID (requires caller id option and an IPS Key Telephone) displays incoming caller name and number on all Key Telephones with display. 8. MUSIC ON HOLD a micro-mini input port on the IPS may be connected to any external music source (tape, CD, radio, or continuous play advertising message) to provide background sound for incoming callers while transferring to a desired extension or while remaining on hold. 9. ALARM CLOCK allows an extension to preset a specified time for a reminder ring or wake-up call. Task 4 (c) The cost of equipment and installation : There are user who will use these equipments The Chief Constable The assistant Chief Constable District Commander Deputy District Commander Sergeants and constables The police officers Detective Chief Inspector Detective Inspector The civilian staff Equipment Users with quantity Quantity Price (tk) Telephone instruments The Chief Constable 5 The assistant Chief Constable 3 District Commander 3 Deputy District Commander 3 Sergeants and constables 3 The police officers 2 Detective Chief Inspector 4 Detective Inspector 3 The civilian staff 2 28 70,000 Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs) The Chief Constable 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 2 1,58,482 Key Telephone Systems (KTSs) The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 Deputy District Commander 1 Sergeants and constables 1 The police officers 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 Detective Inspector 1 The civilian staff 1 9 15,752 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) systems The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 Chief Inspector 1 Detective Inspector 1 4 9252 Voice Processing Systems The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 Deputy District Commander 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 Detective Inspector 1 6 1,72,000 Telephone Answering Machines The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 Deputy District Commander 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 5 15,000 Telephone Call Information Loggers (CIL) The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 The police officers 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 5 44,5000 Facsimile Machines The Chief Constable 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 2 5,500 Modems The Chief Constable 1 The assistant Chief Constable 1 District Commander 1 Deputy District Commander 1 Sergeants and constables 1 The police officers 1 Detective Chief Inspector 1 Detective Inspector 1 The civilian staff 1 9 36,000 Local Area Network (LAN) Bridges Just two bridges can be supported for all. 2 10,500 Local Area Network (LAN) Routers Just two routers can be supported for all. 2 45,00 Multiplexers 5 1,17,250 Total Cost : 754784.00 Task 4 (d) The cost of operating the system : Actually this system will be so much benefited. It needs so much high configuration system. The estimated cost for this system about 7,54,784.00 taka or more. Task 4 (e) I described both of two systems. But I will recommend to use PBXs. Because, it has so many advantages. The advantages of PBX are : 1. It is much easier to install and configure than a normal home line. Anyone that can handle a computer and is familiar with Windows features can install it. If you are familiar with networking computers is in good shape. You dont have to have someone come out to your location and install and hook things up. It is in your hands and not in someone elses. 2. It is easier to manage. IP PBX can be managed in a web based configuration interface or a GUI. This allows you to fine tune and maintain you phone system. Once again, if you are dealing with a regular home line you have to rely on a technician. 3. Significant cost savings when you use voip service providers. This is a big deal right now as we are all trying to cut back and save money. You can easily connect phone systems between branches and make free phone calls. 4. You can eliminate phone wiring. This is something that can bring a comfort to a business owner. Software phones can be installed directly onto the computer. You can now have much more control over adding and moving of extensions in your office. In new offices you can eliminate the extra ports completely. 5. Eliminate vendor lock in. This is exciting because you are now taking your phone services into your own hands and you dont have to make decisions based on one company. You can mix and match in order to gain the best savings. Task 5 Police Department Automation To, Police Department Headquarter Introduction: To develop a new automation system for Townsville Police Department I have investigate to find the best network topology among many topologies and recommend one topology that suits best for police department. Summary: In the above investigation I have tried to find the most convenient system for police department. Here are the key points that I found: Among various topologies Star Topology will be the best solution to setup the network for the police department. Investigating the best network medium for the network. Investigating for best internet connection and connection that may require operating the system smoothly. Investigating in details the methods of operating two-way voice communication, the legal requirements to setup two-way voice communication, costs, limitation of each system etc. The main equipment for the telephone system that would be installed, each systems features, cost of equipment installation and operating it. Strength of this report: The strengths of the report are: There are many networks type I have shown, we can easily determine which one is best for this type network Details breakdown Well organized and readable and understandable by non-technical people. Costs break-down of the system setup. Weekness of this report: There some weakness in my report and investigation. To collect data I have faced many difficulties. Also there is no system in my country that run this or similar type network. I could do well if could get some more time. Assumption: Costs Some network equipments etc. Conclusion When I was doing this assignment, I got many difficulties which I got solved from discussion with others and from my teacher help. I have tried to gather as much as detailed information.

Monday, August 19, 2019

American Women Liberation :: essays research papers

Did WW II Liberate American Women?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  World War II did liberate American Woman .After pearl harbor,in fact , employers openly encouraged women to join the industrial labor pool.By 1947, 37 percent of all adult in United States were inwork force.Married women represented over 70 percented of the increase in female employees,a significant shift away from traditional patterns in which the vast majority of working women had been young and single.It has also been criticized that they lost their job right after the war was ended. But not all of them lost their jobs. Lots of them who desired to continue to work held their positions safe.As they had already paved their way towards employment, it wasn't difficult for them to work in different places they haven't woked before.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most significant change that WW II brought in American Women is the end of sex segregation in work force.Prior, they were allowed to do some so called female jobs and live life as housewives. But during world war II they were employed in different manufacturing jobs and the work they performed challanged prevailing definition of womanhood.Black women were able to benifit more from WW II. Before the war the majority of black women were relegated to the whte woman's kitchen.In 1940, two-third of employed black women worked as domestic in LA. By 1950, this proportion dropped to 40% and was accompained by an increase of black women in durable maufacturing.Different criticism had been made that women had to quit their jobs to make space available for men who returned from the war. But the war had changed the perspective of nature of work that women were into before the war.The war had women more freedom than they had ever had before.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Prohibition of Flag Desecration is Unconstitutional :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

Prohibition of Flag Desecration is Unconstitutional When people fix their eyes upon the fifty white stars and thirteen red and white stripes, they perceive not only a nation’s flag, but a symbol that represents freedom and unity. America, the country of opportunity and liberty, is built on a democracy regulated by the Bill of Rights. If this flag represents the land of the free, then why does Congress continue to disregard the First Amendment and attempt to pry a right out of American citizens’ hands? After Texas v. Johnson in 1989, when the Supreme Court opposed the new flag burning amendment, the state statutes banning flag desecration also were struck down. Since then, Congress has tried to pass The Flag Desecration Amendment in 1990, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, and 2003. The Flag Desecration Amendment states that â€Å"The Congress and the states shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.† This amendment is considered unconstitutional because it limits how citizens express themselves and their ideas. According to Professor Robert Justin Goldstein, only forty-five incidents of desecration have been recorded over 200 years since our flag was adopted. Our flag is in no immediate danger, and many people support it by displaying it on cars, buildings, and homes. In fact, the majority of the burnings represent issues or policies of the government, and not hatred towards the country. For example, in 1970, protestors burned flags to rage against imperialistic foreign policies and the Vietnam War. Although the desecration of our nation’s symbol is disheartening, protecting our Bill of Rights should be Congress’s top priority. Since the adoption of the Bill of Rights in 1791, none of the original articles have been altered. The First Amendment clearly states that Congress cannot establish a law that interferes with the freedom of speech, the freedom of press, or the freedom to assemble a protest.

Essay --

R.Panda et, al (2013) Examined multimodal approach to Music Emotion Recognition (MER) problem. Collect information from different sources of audio, MIDDI and lyrics. This research was introducing a methodology for automatic creation of multimodal music emotion dataset categorization to AllMusic database, that based on emotion tags used in the MIREX mood classification task. MIDDI files and lyrics matching to a subset of achieved audio samples were collected. The dataset was classified into the same 5 emotion clusters identified in MIREX. Music Emotion Recognition (MER) research was received increased attention in recent years, the field still faces many difficulties and problems exacting on emotion detection in audio music signals. Many experiments were conducted to judge the importance of various features, sources and the effect of their combination in emotion classification. Holder Shaw and Gendall (2008) Conducted research for understanding and predicting of human behavior. Attitude is unspecified to play important role in human behavior theory that what people think and what they do. May be the most fundamental statement underlying the attitude concept was the notion that attitude in some way guide, influence, direct shape or predict actual behavior Labaw’s (1980) was offered in alternative approach to predicting the behavior in which behavioral characteristic of people’s lives from the basis of questionnaire design. Recent analyses originate that Labaw’s approach to predicting behavior was corresponding in terms of predictive ability and was greater from a survey research perspective. Labaw’s research was presented a sufficient alternative to attitudinal- based approach to predicting behavior. Byeong-Jan Han et al. (2010) E... ...ed for the automated explanation of large musical collection. Such an inquiry potential would be helpful for song collection and a range of application. Vallabha Hampiholi (2012) conducted research that past decade in the field of audio satisfied analysis for takeout variety of information was the â€Å"perceived mood† or â€Å"emotions† connected to music or audio clip. This information was really useful in applications like generating or approving the play list based on the mood of the listener. This information was really helpful in better categorization of music database. In this paper author have presented a method to classify that music not just a metadata of audio clip as well comprise the â€Å"mood† feature to help get better music organization. Example audio version of the song, the person is relaxing or chill out mood strength desire to listen to this track.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Crowdsourcing at AOL Essay

1. Is crowdsourcing, as used by AOL, a form of outsourcing? Why or why not? In a way yes because the work is †outsourced† to workers outside the company itself. The tasks are not done by companies employees instead the tasks are put on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk and half a milion workers that are registered there could read about the tasks and decide if they wanted to perform them. Outsourcig means that the purchase of a god or service that was previously provided internally or that could be provided internally, but is now provided by outsource vendors. This is basicly the case with AOL, they could hire personell to perform the tasks but instead they †hired† workers outside the company and that is why it is a kind of outsourcing. 2. What steps do you think Maloney might have taken to ensure that the crowdsourcing would be success for the inventory project?7 Maloney broke the large job into micro tasks and described the tasks that needed to be done. Each worker was also asked to find webpages containing a video and identify the video ´s source and location of those pages. 3. What factors should be considered when desiding whether or not to crowdsource a particular part of a business? A couple of factors should be considered when deciding to crowdsource. One of the factors is the economy itself. As mentioned in question 4, crowdsourcing is usually much cheaper then hiring a professionall to do the tasks for your company, and also you pay when the task is done and take the best option. Hiring a full time professionall or professionalls with special skills can be very expensive and you might not need them for a long period and you also need to manage them. 4. Describe the advantages of crowdsourcing. Advantages: Main advantages of crowdsourcing is that is fairly low price comparing to the proce for hiring a dedicated professional. Also the high number of people who are ready to work for you anytime. You also dont need to envise tasks to be done, instead you get the finished form and then pay for the best option. Disadvantages: Cheap labor results less credible product compared to professionals. Also there is no contract in most crowdsourcing cases which  means that workers can run anytime they want, and your design might be reused in anytime. Also there is some critics that are saying that crowdsourcing can lead to †digital sweatshops† where workers work long days with little pay and no benefits and workers might also be underaged. You dont really know who is working for you.